Showing posts with label Python. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Python. Show all posts
Program to check number whose Sum of its digits is equal to the product of its digits ( Spy Number) | Java, Python C & C++ code to check number whose Sum of its digits is equal to the product of its digits
Program to check number whose Sum of its digits is equal to the product of its digits | Java, Python C & C++ code to check number whose Sum of its digits i…
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Check Whether the given two number are Twin prime | Java, Python, C & C++ program to check if two input numbers are Twin prime | Java, Python, C & C++ program to check if given numbers are Twin prime or not
Check Whether the given two number are Twin prime | Java, Python, C & C++ program to check if two input numbers are Twin prime | Java, Python, C & C++ …
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Check Whether the number is twisted prime | Java, Python, C & C++ program to check if a input number is twisted prime | Java, Python, C & C++ program to check if a given number is twisted prime or not
Explanation of the Code: Java, Python, C & C++ program to check if a input number is twisted prime The problem defines a " Twisted Prime Number "…
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A program to find a number with maximum factors in that range (Biggest composite number between a range) in Java, Python , C , C++ | find a number with maximum factors in that range in in Java, Python , C , C++
Take two integer as input from the user and write A program to find a number with maximum factors in that range. (biggest composite number between a range) i…
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Kadane's algorithm : Maximum sum of Subarray | Easy Solution in C, C++, Java, Python
Kadane's algorithm is a popular algorithm used to find the maximum contiguous subarray sum within a given array of numbers. It efficiently solves the …
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